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Holistic Health and Wellness Apps

Aura App

Check out this mindfulness app that can help you stay on track with meditation.

Calm App

Check out this app with relaxing sounds to help you stay calm.

Stop, Breathe, Think App (also known as the My Life App)

Check out this app that helps you focus on your breathing to stay present and relaxed.

MindFi App

Check out this app that focuses on helping you meditate anytime, anywhere.

Mindfulness Daily App

Check out this app that helps you make time for mindfulness tailored to your schedule.

Oak Meditation & Breathing App

Check out this app that teaches you the basics of breathing technique and to get you started with meditation.

© 2018 by Western Connecticut State University

 Health Promotion Studies students Michaela Lawlor & Sean Clarke

©2020 by Western Connecticut State University Ecological Biology student Chris Zavras

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