Let us help you on your journey to stress relief.
On this site, you will discover resources to help you manage your stress throughout your college career and throughout life. We've included our Stress Management Program as well as Useful Links to resources on campus that may find you well in times of need. We firmly believe in using what is available to you within your college campus to help put you at ease. Often, these services are free for students. See the sidebar on the right for information to visit the Wellness Suite on campus to help cope with the everyday challenges a student faces in a relaxed environment. There are several services offered through the Wellness Suite. Visit the Institute for Holistic Health Studies website for more information on upcoming events and new programs being offered!
Good luck on your journey to wellness! Namaste.
Visit the IHHS Center for Wellbeing!
Western Connecticut State University
White Hall Room 114
181 White Street
Danbury, CT 06810
Tel: 203-837-9000
Official Website: https://www.wcsu.edu/ihhs/

What's Offered
Chocolate Meditation
and more!